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Where does Innovation start? It starts by solving a problem.


The world is full of challenges, problems, and opportunities. Good ideas begin when you identify a problem and start to form a solution. At this point in your innovation journey, your solution might still be in your mind, or sketched out on a napkin and that's okay. When you are in the Ideate stage, you don't need a working prototype, just the courage and inspiration to keep going.

During the Ideate part of your journey you can expect to learn how to create value for your future customers. Learning how to think about your product from a customer's point of view will greatly increase your chances of a successful product. Look through the resources below to see how the Mountaineer Innovation Ecosystem can support you during the Ideate part of your journey.  

NSF I-corps Regional Logo

NSF I-Corps

Click the box below to view upcoming regional course offerings. 

WVU Office of Technology Transfer Logo

Office of Tech transfer

If you are a faculty member, find out when and how to disclose your idea to the Office of Technology Transfer.

Technology Transfer
WVU Launch Lab Logo


If you are a student, or are looking to get access to help with the business model canvas, find out how to connect with a business coach at the Morris L. Hayhurst LaunchLab.

Launch Lab